The tale goes as follows...

Posted on 06.09.2021 | by Mach2 Management

The tale goes as follows “One day there was a huge forest fire. All the terrified animals helplessly watched the disaster. Only the hummingbird decided to take action, going to get a few drops of water in its beak to throw them on the fire. After a moment, the armadillo, annoyed by his helpless actions, said to him: “Hummingbird! Are you out of your mind? Do you think it is with these drops of water that you will extinguish the fire?
“I know, answered the hummingbird, but I’m doing my part.”


Native American legend popularized in France by Pierre Rabhi


Urgent transition towards a sustainable society will of course not be achieved only thanks to “hummingbirds” acts, executing their small part trough citizen behaviors and local projects; it is obvious than fundamental behavioral changes and new economical paradigms from corporations and impactful public and private investments will be necessary to reach the targeted objectives for the sustainability of our planet, but “hummingbirds” can certainly help to give the mandatory impulse to this eco-social revolution.


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