Mach2 Management

Strategy, Sustainability & Circular Economy, Finance, Organisation

About us

After a career spanning almost 25 years in big organisations, 20 years of which were spent with passion in the energy transition international sector, Julien Henry left his position in December 2020 as a result of the Covid pandemic and carried out a personal reflection on the unavoidable changes within the big organisations and on their needs in an increasingly competitive, disruptive and innovative environment, in a global capitalistic society, in which the market pressure decision-making consequences resulting from the short-term vision on profitability are increasingly ill-adapted to the new human challenges of the 21stcentury, which are insufficiently developed and lead thus to a huge loss of sense among shareholders, staff, associates and leaders of many organisations, culturally impaired.

In this global pandemic tragic context and in the frame of the climate warming acceleration, Julien Henry, who cultivates for many years a strong interest for the urgency in the changes to be made to the organisation strategy in order to ensure a sustainable development of the human activities on earth and a societal sense to the latter, and who is convinced of the huge innovation and organisational agility needs to rapidly accelerate these unavoidable strategic and behavioural changes, has decided to dash into the entrepreneurial adventure and to incorporate Mach 2 Management in August 2021 after attending trainings relating to Agility (SCRUM), to Innovation and Design Thinking (INSEAD) and to Sustainable Development Strategies and Circular Economy (University of Cambridge).

Mach 2 Management is thus incorporated to allow its founder to pursue, in the frame of a main self-employed occupation, the profession of Interim or Permanent Manager in commercial organisations or others, or Management/Finance Consultant and to take up company director positions, while being sensitive to sustainable development, cultural change and to innovation as the main theme and objective.

To this end, Julien Henry has a sound academic training in business administration and audit and finance, acquired at UMONS, as well as a 25 years successful experience in management and finance, during which he attended numerous trainings which gave him the opportunity to accumulate a great deal of new expertise in many in-demand and in rapid evolution areas such as audit and international controlling, Belgian and international accounting USGAAP and IFRS, Belgian and international taxation, mergers and acquisition, computer science (SAP software), human resource management, labour relation management, Belgian social legislation, corporate governance, safety and wellbeing at work, financial risk management, decision support methodologies and solution to problems, strategic development methodologies, innovation methodologies (Lean, Six Sigma, 4Q, Design & Creative Thinking), management by Agility, sustainable development strategies, circular economy, energy transition and renewable energy, fundamentally.

Since 1996, he held the following positions in reputable and international environments such as PwC, Comase, UMONS, Walibi Group, ABB, Hitachi Power Grids, ENECO :

  • Financial Auditor
  • Management Consultant
  • Academic Assistant in Public Finance
  • Finance Controller
  • Finance & Administration Manager
  • Academic guest Lecturer in Controlling
  • Business Controller
  • Human Resource Manager
  • HR Business Partner
  • IT & OpEx Manager
  • General Manager.

Julien Henry is supported through a large professional network consisting of numerous specialised recruitment companies, which support him in the search of Management/Advisor and board of director appointments in order to ensure the long term success of Mach 2 Management, but also of colleagues and alumni who followed the same process and who are available to fulfil, whether under a subcontracting arrangement or in collaboration, complementary missions to the diversified expertise.



Transformation of controlling, governance, internal control, audit, reporting, accounting, ERP and budget processes for ENECO WIND BELGIUM scope of activities

  • Reconciliation and massive correction of accounting opening balances 2021 of 30 entities after 2021 SAP R3 implementation project of double ledger accounting BEGAAP-IFRS
  • Business Controlling Key User CHIKARA Project (SAP 4 HANA & SAP ARIBA & SAP Analytics implementation 2022-2023)
  • Business Responsible implementation of JSOX internal control processes and governance 
  • Responsible implementation of business controlling processes
  • Implementation of IFRS accountings standards 
  • Finance PM of Mergers program of 10 entities 
  • Implementation of new budget reporting process (FSP 5 years)
  • Implementation of sound CAPEX Budget monthly F/U process for each investment project
  • Responsibility over P&L and Investments of 25 onshore and offshore wind parks totalizing 300 MEUR Revenues and average yearly CAPEX 80 MEUR
  • Audit SPOC for Group Corporate internal and external Audit of 25 reporting entities
  • Implementation of Deferred Taxes accounting processes 
  • Implementation of IFRS 16 Lease accounting processes for 25 ground leasing entities


Active participation in the Project consisting in the definition of the Hitachi Energy Global Strategy Footprint program

  • Active operational participation and SteCo Membership of the Jewel Project consisting in the transfer from ABB to ABB Hitachi Power Grids of ABB Power Grids Benelux Activities (Finance, IT, HR, Legal & Contracting, Assurance, Communication, Marketing, SCM, R&D, Intellectual Property aspects), including SAP ERP transfer (2020)
  • Active operational participation to implementation of several new production lines in Belgium including Real Estate Development, Building Machinery Investment, Finance, HR, Opex improvements, Safety, Quality and Traceability aspects (2020)
  • Active operational participation and SteCo Membership of the Project consisting in the execution of the Global Strategy Footprint program (plants closing, plants opening, products and technology transfers, product developments, plant development of Belgium/China/Thailand/Bulgaria Plants and related investments / products manufacturing set-up) (2020)


Active participation in the Project consisting in the definition of the ABB Global Strategy Footprint program

  • Active participation in the Project consisting in the definition of the Global Strategy Footprint program (closure of factories, opening of factories, transfer of products and technologies, product development, development of factories from factories Belgium / China / Thailand / Bulgaria and associated investments / product manufacturing set up) (2019)
  • Active participation in the project consisting of the definition and execution of the overall strategy related to the development of the portfolio of quality products; of energy and energy storage) (2016-2019)
  • Steco leadership and active operational participation in the implementation of the WMS SAP warehouse management system in the Belgian Charleroi factory (2017)
  • Active participation in the real estate project of a new office building & agrave in Charleroi Belgium, including Finance, IT, Insurance, Energy and HR aspects New Ways of Working (2016-2017)
  • Chairman of the Belgian Charleroi site Workscouncil  (2016-2020)
  • Active participation in the HR HAYS Grading project ABB Benelux (2011)
  • Management of finance, SOX aspects and process integration to ABB Benelux of KTEK & BETA Den Hague plants further to M&A KTEK/BETA US – ABB Group (2011-2012)
  • Active participation to BPI project and SOX implementation ABB Benelux (2009-2010)
  • Management of finance, legal, tax, communication, process transfer topics, further to absorption by ABB S.A. of ABB Jumet S.A. – ABB SLIM project of legal entities rationalization – (2006-2008)
  • Project Manager BOS (ERP SAP transfer from ABB Jumet S.A. to ERP SAP ABB Benelux) (2006-2008)
  • Management of finance, legal, grants, insurance, traceability, communication topics, during worldwide local recall program of defective Capacitors and production line closure – (2006-2008)
  • Establishment of a new work rules book in collaboration with the social partners for the Charleroi site (2005-2006)
  • Responsible for financial management and controls for the FEDER 2000-2004 grant linked to the investment plan for the Charleroi site (2001-2005)
  • Development of the SAP FI-CO module and implementation of new control / reporting / SAP / Hyperion processes (2001-2002)


Project Manager for the completion of a financial simulation model of Government budget 2000-2030

  • Project Manager for the completion of a financial simulation model of Government budget 2000-2030 based on various Belgium political scenarios, on behalf of Walloon Region Government Presidency (2000-2001)


Project Manager for the Y2K IT Project for all parks in Europe

  • Project Manager for the Y2K IT Project for all parks in Europe (Hardware & ERP Great Plains / Citrix) (1999-2000)
  • Implementation of Cash Pooling System for all parks in Europe (1999)
  • Implementation of new weekly reporting process for all parks in Europe (1999)
  • Implementation of US GAAP monthly reporting process for all parks in Europe (1999)


Participation as Consultant to Global Operational Audit of LEONARDO Civil Service program in each country for EU

  • Participation as Consultant to Global Operational Audit of LEONARDO Civil Service program in each country for EU (1998-1999)
  • SMEs’ General Audits in Walloon Region under support of EU FEDER plan (1998-1999)
  • Start-ups or SME’s in transition consulting support in Walloon Region under support of EU FEDER plan (1998-1999)


Participation as Financial Auditor to THALYS/EUROSTAR investment program audit for EU

  • Participation as Financial Auditor to THALYS/EUROSTAR investment program audit for EU (1997)
  • Participation as Financial Auditor to Global One consolidation audit (Deutsche Telekom / France Telecom / Sprint US Joint Venture of 100 units Headquartered in Brussels)(1996-1998)
  • Financial Audit of around 30 companies located in Belgium



The tale goes as follows...
Posted on 06.09.2021

The tale goes as follows “One day there was a huge forest fire. All the terrified animals helplessly watched the disaster. Only the hummingbird decided to take action, going to get a few drops of water in its beak to throw them on the fire. After a moment, the armadillo, annoyed by his helpless actions, said to him: “Hummingbird! Are […]


Don't hesitate to contact us :

Address Rue des Masnuy, 295 / B - 7050 Jurbise
Phone +32 496.12.68.54